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A guide to experiencing matcha green tea in Japan for foreigners: hidden charms and recommended spots.

Updated: May 1

1. Introduction

1-1. the world is fascinated by japanese green tea experience

In recent years, the matcha (powdered green tea) experience has become increasingly popular among foreign tourists visiting Japan.

Matcha is more than just a drink; it is a special experience that allows visitors to deeply appreciate Japanese culture and traditions.

Matcha has long been a favorite drink of the Japanese people and has played an important role in honing spirituality through the tea ceremony.

In recent years, its profound taste and health benefits have attracted worldwide attention, making it an attractive experience for foreign tourists.

1-2. reasons why matcha is popular among foreign tourists

There are three main reasons why the matcha experience is so popular with foreign tourists.

Experience Japanese culture and traditions:

Through the matcha experience, you can actually experience traditional Japanese culture such as the tea ceremony and making Japanese sweets.

Enjoyment with all five senses:

The aroma, taste, appearance, touch, and sound of matcha tea can be enjoyed with all five senses.


Matcha tea has a relaxing effect on the body and mind, and is a great way to unwind after a busy day of travel.

1-3. what you can gain from the matcha experience

Through the matcha experience, you will gain

Understanding of Japanese culture and traditions:

By learning about the history of matcha and the tea ceremony, you can deepen your understanding of Japanese culture and traditions.

A new taste experience:

Matcha can be prepared and consumed in a variety of ways, allowing you to enjoy a new taste experience.

Healing for body and mind:

Matcha tea has a relaxing effect on the body and mind.


A green tea experience will be an unforgettable memory.

2. basic knowledge of matcha experience

2-1. What is matcha?

Matcha is powdered tea made by grinding tea leaves called tencha on a millstone. It is mainly used in the tea ceremony and has a unique aroma, taste, and color.

2-2. History and Culture of Matcha

Matcha has a long history, having been introduced from China in the Nara period (710-794).

Later, it developed along with the tea ceremony from the Kamakura to Muromachi periods, and became popular among the general public during the Edo period (1603-1867).

Matcha plays an important role in Japanese culture and tradition, and is used to hone spirituality through the tea ceremony.

2-3. How to choose matcha

There are many different types of matcha.

They are classified mainly by the method of cultivation and processing.


Plucked tea leaves that have been steamed and dried.


Matcha ground to a powder using a millstone.

Uji Matcha:

Matcha made from Tencha grown in Uji, Kyoto.

Stone-ground Matcha:

Matcha ground using a stone mill.

Matcha-infused sweets:

Sweets made with matcha.

When choosing matcha, it is recommended that you choose the one that best suits your taste.

2-4. how to make matcha

There are various methods of making matcha tea. The basic methods are as follows

1:Pour hot water into the tea bowl and warm it.

2:Drain the hot water from the bowl and wipe the bowl.

3:Sift matcha into the teacup with a tea strainer.

4:Pour hot water and knead the matcha with the chasen.

When preparing matcha, it is important to do so slowly and in silence.

3. popular matcha experience spots throughout Japan

3-1. Kyoto: The capital of tea, where tradition and innovation meet

Nakamura Tokichi: Sophisticated space of a long-established tea shop Marukyu Koyamaen: An exquisite experience to experience the depth of matcha tea

3-2. Nara: Ancient City Surrounded by History and Nature

Nigatsudo Hall of Todaiji Temple: A special experience to taste matcha in a solemn atmosphere

3-3. Kamakura: A peaceful moment in an ancient city rich in nature

Koga-an: Enjoy matcha green tea in a tea room in harmony with the lush garden Nagoya: A Castle Town with History and Culture

Nagoya Castle: Elegant Matcha Experience with a View of Nagoya Castle

3-5. Kanazawa: Tea Ceremony Inheriting the Culture of the Kaga Clan

Chanoyu Kanazawa Higashi Chaya-gai: A precious experience to touch Kanazawa culture

3-6. Hiroshima: Enjoy tea ceremony with Itsukushima Shrine, a World Heritage Site

Benihadou Saryo: Exceptional Matcha green tea after visiting Itsukushima Shrine

3-7. Fukuoka: Saryo: Enjoy the charms of Hakata

Saryo Sosei Hakata: Enjoy matcha green tea with a view of the Hakata cityscape

3-8. Okinawa: Relax with a view of the ocean

Chabo Churaumi: Enjoy matcha green tea with a beautiful view of Okinawa

3-9. Hokkaido: Romantic Moment at Otaru Canal

Otaru Canal Kitano-Saryo: Enjoy matcha green tea with a taste of Otaru Canal

3-10. Tokyo: A casual matcha experience in Asakusa

Asakusa Saryo Hisayoi: A great place to stop by after visiting Sensoji Temple

4.Flow of Matcha Experience

4-1. how to make a reservation

Many matcha experience spots require advance reservations. Reservations can be made online or by phone.

4-2. what to wear on the day

It is recommended that you wear comfortable clothing. Also, when visiting temples and shrines, avoid revealing or flashy clothing.

4-3. what to bring

No special belongings are required.

4-4. Contents of the experience

Experiences vary from spot to spot, but in general they are as follows

・Observing a tea ceremony performance

・Making matcha (powdered green tea)

・Tasting matcha sweets

・Learning about the tea ceremony

4-5. time required

The time required is approximately 1 to 2 hours.

4-6. fees

Fees vary by spot, but generally range from 3,000 yen to 8,000 yen.

4-7. points to note

be punctual

Observe good manners

Ask permission before taking pictures

5. tips for enjoying the matcha experience

5-1. gather information in advance

Gather information in advance about the matcha experience spot you wish to visit.

5-2. make reservations early

Make reservations early, especially for popular spots.

5-3. wear comfortable clothes

It is recommended to wear comfortable clothes.

5-4. don't hesitate to ask questions

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.

5-5. keep your senses sharp

Sharpen your five senses through the matcha experience.

6. summary

Experiencing matcha in Japan is a special way to deeply appreciate Japanese culture and traditions.

We hope you will use this guide to find your own unique matcha experience.

7. recommendations

The tea ceremony is one of Japan's traditional cultural traditions that is attracting a lot of attention from foreign tourists.

Here are three websites that explain the basic knowledge and manners of the tea ceremony in an easy-to-understand manner.

7-1. information site for more enjoyment of Matcha experience This site provides a variety of information on the tea ceremony.

You can learn a wide range of information about the tea ceremony, including its history, basic manners, and types of tea rooms.

The site is also available in several languages, including English, Chinese, and Korean.

7-2. Q&A about Matcha experience

The tea ceremony is one of Japan's traditional cultural traditions that attracts a great deal of attention from foreign tourists.

However, for many beginners, the tea ceremony may seem daunting.

Therefore, as a teacher of a tea ceremony class, I would like to introduce five questions that tea ceremony beginners often ask and the answers to them.

Q1:What is the tea ceremony?

A1:The tea ceremony is a traditional Japanese culture in which tea is prepared and drunk, and the mind is refined through the manners of the tea ceremony.

It is not only about drinking tea, but also about experiencing Japanese aesthetics and culture through the space of the tea room, tea utensils, and the spirituality of chanoyu.

Q2:what do i need to start the tea ceremony?

A2:You do not need anything in particular to start a tea ceremony.

You do not need to attend a tea ceremony class, nor do you need to prepare tea utensils.

We recommend that you first participate in a tea ceremony experience.

At the tea ceremony experience, you can learn the basic manners of the tea ceremony.

Q3:How can I attend a tea ceremony class?

A3:If you would like to attend a tea ceremony class, you can search the Internet or gather information from books related to the tea ceremony.

You can also ask a friend or acquaintance who has attended a tea ceremony class to introduce you to one.

Q4:what will i learn in a tea ceremony class?

Q5:In a tea ceremony class, you will learn the history of the tea ceremony, basic manners, how to use tea utensils, and how to clean a tea room.

Through learning tea ceremony, you will also learn about Japanese aesthetics and culture.

Q5:Is the tea ceremony difficult?

A5:The tea ceremony may seem difficult at first, but once you learn the basic manners, anyone can enjoy it.

The tea ceremony is a profound culture that can take a lifetime to learn.

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